我們誠意邀請您參加UCSF記憶與老化研究中心的線上活動,主題是 “失智症的非藥物干預“。活動時間是10月26日(星期四),下午3點 - 4點(太平洋時間)。
Greetings from the Memory and Aging Center at the University of California, San Francisco:
We would like to invite you to participate in an online brain health talk with our Memory and Aging Center staff.
The talk will be in MANDARIN. Please see the information below for the topic and date of the talk. Meeting date and time are in Pacific Standard Time (PST).
Due to the limitation on network bandwidth and security concerns, please RSVP if you plan on attending. Availability will be arranged on first come first serve basis. You will receive a Zoom or Facebook link in your email after you complete this form. Your responses will remain private. The meetings may be recorded but will not include any audiences' faces or voices.
Thank you and stay safe and healthy!