Boon Lead Tee, MD, MA

Assistant Adjunct Professor

Dr. Tee is a neurologist from Taiwan and an Atlantic Fellow for Equity in Brain Health at the Global Brain Health Institute. She completed her medical and master’s degrees at National Taiwan University and her residency at National Taiwan University Hospital and En-Chu-Kong Hospital. She co-directs the Chinese outreach effort at UCSF Memory and Aging Center.

She specializes in various dementia syndromes, particularly primary progressive aphasia that predominantly manifests with speech and language impairments. Her research interest is focused on developing linguistically and culturally adapted cognitive assessment tools for Chinese populations that suffer from neurodegenerative diseases and studying their neural basis variability across populations.


Gaps in biomedical research in frontotemporal dementia: A call for diversity and disparities focused research.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Nuytemans K, Franzen S, Broce IJ, Caramelli P, Ellajosyula R, Finger E, Gupta V, Gupta V, Illán-Gala I, Loi SM, Morhardt D, Pijnenburg Y, Rascovsky K, Williams MM, Yokoyama JS, Acosta-Uribe J, Akinyemi R, Alladi S, Ayele BA, Ayhan Y, Bourdage R, Castro-Suarez S, de Souza LC, Dacks P, de Boer SCM, de Leon J, Dodge S, Grasso S, Ghoshal N, Kamath V, Kumfor F, Matias-Guiu JA, Narme P, Nielsen TR, Okhuevbie D, Piña-Escudero S, Ruiz-Garcia R, Ryan B, Scarioni M, Slachevsky A, Suarez-Gonzalez A, Tee BL, Tsoy E, Ulugut H, Onyike CU, Babulal GM, ISTAART Frontotemporal Dementia and Related Disorders PIA, ISTAART Diversity and Disparities PIA

Perceptual and semantic deficits in face recognition in semantic dementia.


Yadollahikhales G, Mandelli ML, Ezzes Z, Pillai J, Ratnasiri B, Baquirin DP, Miller Z, DeLeon J, Tee BL, Seeley W, Rosen H, Miller B, Kramer J, Sturm V, Gorno-Tempini ML, Montembeault M

Cross-Linguistic Analysis of Speech Markers: Insights from English, Chinese, and Italian Speakers.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Santi GC, Catricalà E, Kwan S, Wong A, Ezzes Z, Wauters L, Esposito V, Conca F, Gibbons D, Fernandez E, Santos-Santos MA, TaFu C, Li-Ying KC, Lo R, Tsoh J, Chan LT, Garcia AM, de Leon J, Miller Z, Vonk JMJ, Bruffaerts R, Grasso SM, Allen IE, Cappa SF, Gorno-Tempini ML, Tee BL

A systematic review of the quantitative markers of speech and language of the frontotemporal degeneration spectrum and their potential for cross-linguistic implementation.

Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews

Coppieters R, Bouzigues A, Jiskoot L, Montembeault M, Tee BL, Genetic Frontotemporal Dementia Initiative (GENFI), Rohrer JD, Bruffaerts R

Anatomical and behavioural correlates of auditory perception in developmental dyslexia.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Qi T, Mandelli ML, Pereira CLW, Wellman E, Bogley R, Licata AE, Miller Z, Tee BL, de Leon J, Chang EF, Oganian Y, Gorno-Tempini ML

Digital language markers distinguish frontal from right anterior temporal lobe atrophy in frontotemporal dementia.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Vonk JMJ, Morin BT, Pillai J, Rolon DR, Bogley R, Baquirin DP, Ezzes Z, Tee BL, DeLeon J, Wauters L, Lukic S, Montembeault M, Younes K, Miller Z, García AM, Mandelli ML, Sturm VE, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Perceptual and semantic deficits in face recognition in semantic dementia.

medRxiv : the preprint server for health sciences

Yadollahikhales G, Mandelli ML, Ezzes Z, Pillai J, Ratnasiri B, Baquirin DP, Miller Z, de Leon J, Tee BL, Seeley W, Rosen H, Miller B, Kramer J, Sturm V, Gorno-Tempini ML, Montembeault M

Clinical dimensions along the non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Illán-Gala I, Lorca-Puls DL, Tee BL, Ezzes Z, de Leon J, Miller ZA, Rubio-Guerra S, Santos-Santos M, Gómez-Andrés D, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Kramer JH, Wauters LD, Henry ML, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Miller BL, Seeley WW, Mandelli ML, Gorno-Tempini ML

Underrepresented and Underserved Populations in Neurological Research.

Seminars in neurology

Windon CC, Jackson AJ, Aguirre GA, Tucker M, Amuiri A, Hill-Jarrett T, Chen M, Pina Escuedro SD, Lieu K, Lopez L, Mei D, Tee BL, Watson CW, Agwu C, Kramer J, Lanata S

Profiles of mathematical deficits in children with dyslexia.

NPJ science of learning

Pedemonte B, Pereira CW, Borghesani V, Ebbert M, Allen IE, Pinheiro-Chagas P, De Leon J, Miller Z, Tee BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Neural basis of speech and grammar symptoms in non-fluent variant primary progressive aphasia spectrum.

Brain : a journal of neurology

Lorca-Puls DL, Gajardo-Vidal A, Mandelli ML, Illán-Gala I, Ezzes Z, Wauters LD, Battistella G, Bogley R, Ratnasiri B, Licata AE, Battista P, García AM, Tee BL, Lukic S, Boxer AL, Rosen HJ, Seeley WW, Grinberg LT, Spina S, Miller BL, Miller ZA, Henry ML, Dronkers NF, Gorno-Tempini ML

More than a piece of cake: Noun classifier processing in primary progressive aphasia.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Tee BL, Li-Ying LK, Chen TF, Yan CT, Tsoh J, Chan AL, Wong A, Lo RY, Lu CJ, Sun Y, Wang PN, Lee Y, Chiu MJ, Allen IE, Battistella G, Bak TH, Chuang YC, García AM, Gorno-Tempini ML

Scalable plasma and digital cognitive markers for diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease and related dementias.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Tsoy E, La Joie R, VandeVrede L, Rojas JC, Yballa C, Chan B, Lago AL, Rodriguez AM, Goode CA, Erlhoff SJ, Tee BL, Windon C, Lanata S, Kramer JH, Miller BL, Dilworth-Anderson P, Boxer AL, Rabinovici GD, Possin KL

Asian Cohort for Alzheimer's Disease (ACAD) pilot study on genetic and non-genetic risk factors for Alzheimer's disease among Asian Americans and Canadians.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Ho PC, Yu WH, Tee BL, Lee WP, Li C, Gu Y, Yokoyama JS, Reyes-Dumeyer D, Choi YB, Yang HS, Vardarajan BN, Tzuang M, Lieu K, Lu A, Faber KM, Potter ZD, Revta C, Kirsch M, McCallum J, Mei D, Booth B, Cantwell LB, Chen F, Chou S, Clark D, Deng M, Hong TH, Hwang LJ, Jiang L, Joo Y, Kang Y, Kim ES, Kim H, Kim K, Kuzma AB, Lam E, Lanata SC, Lee K, Li D, Li M, Li X, Liu CL, Liu C, Liu L, Lupo JL, Nguyen K, Pfleuger SE, Qian J, Qian W, Ramirez V, Russ KA, Seo EH, Song YE, Tartaglia MC, Tian L, Torres M, Vo N, Wong EC, Xie Y, Yau EB, Yi I, Yu V, Zeng X, St George-Hyslop P, Au R, Schellenberg GD, Dage JL, Varma R, Hsiung GR, Rosen H, Henderson VW, Foroud T, Kukull WA, Peavy GM, Lee H, Feldman HH, Mayeux R, Chui H, Jun GR, Ta Park VM, Chow TW, Wang LS

Identifying Gaps and Barriers in Alzheimer's Disease and Related Dementia Research and Management in Low- and Middle-Income Countries: A Survey of Health Professionals and Researchers.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Babulal GM, Zha W, Trani JF, Guerra JL, Tee BL, Zhu Y, Chen Y, Chen L, Bubu M, Josephy-Hernandez S, Wandera S, Karanja W, Ellajosyula R, Caramelli P, Diversity and Disparity Professional Interest Area, Low-and-Middle-Income Working Group

Speech and language markers of neurodegeneration: a call for global equity.

Brain : a journal of neurology

García AM, de Leon J, Tee BL, Blasi DE, Gorno-Tempini ML

Assessing processing speed and its neural correlates in the three variants of primary progressive aphasia with a non-verbal tablet-based task.

Cortex; a journal devoted to the study of the nervous system and behavior

Gajardo-Vidal A, Montembeault M, Lorca-Puls DL, Licata AE, Bogley R, Erlhoff S, Ratnasiri B, Ezzes Z, Battistella G, Tsoy E, Pereira CW, DeLeon J, Tee BL, Henry ML, Miller ZA, Rankin KP, Mandelli ML, Possin KL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Gaps in clinical research in frontotemporal dementia: A call for diversity and disparities-focused research.

Alzheimer's & dementia : the journal of the Alzheimer's Association

Franzen S, Nuytemans K, Bourdage R, Caramelli P, Ellajosyula R, Finger E, Illán-Gala I, Loi SM, Morhardt D, Pijnenburg Y, Rascovsky K, Williams MM, Yokoyama JS, Alladi S, Ayhan Y, Broce I, Castro-Suarez S, Coleman K, de Souza LC, Dacks PA, de Boer SCM, de Leon J, Dodge S, Grasso S, Gupta V, Gupta V, Ghoshal N, Kamath V, Kumfor F, Matias-Guiu JA, Narme P, Nielsen TR, Okhuevbie D, Piña-Escudero SD, Garcia RR, Scarioni M, Slachevsky A, Suarez-Gonzalez A, Tee BL, Tsoy E, Ulugut H, Babulal GM, Onyike CU, ISTAART FTD PIA and ISTAART Diversity and Disparities PIA

Visual and social differences in dyslexia: deep phenotyping of four cases with spared phonology.


Palser ER, Miller ZA, Licata AE, Yabut NA, Sudarsan SP, Tee BL, Deleon JA, Mandelli ML, Caverzasi E, Sturm VE, Hendren R, Possin KL, Miller BL, Gorno Tempini ML, Watson Pereira C

White matter pathology in alzheimer's transgenic mice with chronic exposure to low-level ambient fine particulate matter.

Particle and fibre toxicology

Chen TF, Lee SH, Zheng WR, Hsu CC, Cho KH, Kuo LW, Chou CC, Chiu MJ, Tee BL, Cheng TJ

Distinct brain lipid signatures in response to low-level PM2.5 exposure in a 3xTg-Alzheimer's disease mouse inhalation model.

The Science of the total environment

Lee SH, Lin CY, Chen TF, Chou CC, Chiu MJ, Tee BL, Liang HJ, Cheng TJ

Dysgraphia Phenotypes in Native Chinese Speakers With Primary Progressive Aphasia.


Tee BL, Lorinda Kwan-Chen LY, Chen TF, Yan CTY, Tsoh J, Lung-Tat Chan A, Wong A, Lo RY, Lu CL, Wang PN, Lee Y, Yang FG, Battistella G, Allen IE, Dronkers NF, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Neuroanatomical correlations of visuospatial processing in primary progressive aphasia.

Brain communications

Tee BL, Watson Pereira C, Lukic S, Bajorek LP, Allen IE, Miller ZA, Casaletto KB, Miller BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Three month inhalation exposure to low-level PM2.5 induced brain toxicity in an Alzheimer's disease mouse model.

PloS one

Lee SH, Chen YH, Chien CC, Yan YH, Chen HC, Chuang HC, Hsieh HI, Cho KH, Kuo LW, Chou CC, Chiu MJ, Tee BL, Chen TF, Cheng TJ

Tonal and orthographic analysis in a Cantonese-speaking individual with nonfluent/agrammatic variant primary progressive aphasia.


Tee BL, Deleon J, Chen Li Ying LK, Miller BL, Y Lo R, Europa E, Sudarsan S, Grasso S, Gorno-Tempini ML

Assessment of Racial/Ethnic Disparities in Timeliness and Comprehensiveness of Dementia Diagnosis in California.

JAMA neurology

Tsoy E, Kiekhofer RE, Guterman EL, Tee BL, Windon CC, Dorsman KA, Lanata SC, Rabinovici GD, Miller BL, Kind AJH, Possin KL

Enhancement of bone marrow aspirate concentrate with local self-healing corticotomies.

Tissue & cell

Shi L, Tee BC, Emam H, Prokes R, Larsen P, Sun Z

Long-term stroke incidence in proximal thoracic aorta aneurysm survivors.

International journal of stroke : official journal of the International Stroke Society

Hsu JY, Su YC, Wang JH, Tee BL

Primary progressive aphasia: a model for neurodegenerative disease.

Current opinion in neurology

Tee BL, Gorno-Tempini ML

Prion Diseases.

Neurologic clinics

Tee BL, Longoria Ibarrola EM, Geschwind MD

Medical Comorbidity in Alzheimer's Disease: A Nested Case-Control Study.

Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD

Wang JH, Wu YJ, Tee BL, Lo RY

The role of the occipital artery in the diagnosis of intracranial dural arteriovenous fistula using duplex sonography.

AJNR. American journal of neuroradiology

Tee BL, Tsai LK, Lai CC, Tang SC, Chen YA, Chen CL, Jeng JS